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Mayoral GrantsNgā tukunga pūtea a te Koromatua

Wairoa District Council is committed to establishing its vision – “Connected Communities. Desirable Lifestyles. Treasured Environments.”

The Mayoral Grants Scheme provides generic, discretionary small donations with a simple process for community members/organisations seeking financial support.

Administration of the Scheme

The Mayor and Personal Assistant will oversee the administration of the Mayoral Grants Scheme.
An annual budget will be allocated for the implementation of the scheme.
The maximum amount that can be funded, for any single request, will be generally below $200 (but this can be varied for significant projects).
The Mayor and Personal Assistant will report back to Council, as soon as practicable, on the outcomes of any grants given under the scheme.

Criteria for Applications

  1. Grants are to assist an individual towards achieving their potential or help build communities.
  2. Grants will only be made to organisations based in, or individuals who live in, the Wairoa District.
  3. Requests for recurrent funding will not be considered. However, applicants may apply for funding over successive years.
  4. Generally the maximum amount that will be allocated per sponsorship will be $200. However, applications for significant projects above this amount may be considered on their merits.
  5. Applications for funding must not be able to be funded from another Council Donations or Grants Scheme.
  6. Applications for private gain will be ineligible.
  7. The sponsorship scheme cannot be used for waiving Council fees.
  8. Any donations will be at the discretion of the Mayor and subject to availability of funds – applications meeting the eligibility criteria may not necessarily receive a donation.
  9. At least 2 references are required to testify to the bona fides of the requesting person/organisation, as well as the need/justification for the donation.
  10. If the organisation/person has applied to other organisations for funding the list of organisations that have received requests for funding should be included on the application letter.

Application Process

Please write a letter addressed to the Mayor with the following details:

  • Name of person/organisation seeking the grant
  • Contact details (postal address, phone number and/or email address)
  • Purpose of the grant
  • Amount sought
  • An indication of the total expenses/budget for the project
  • 2 references testifying to the bona fides of the requesting person/organisation, as well as the need/justification for the donation
  • List of other organisations who have received the same request for funding if applicable
  • Details of whom the cheque is to be made out to

Conditions of Receiving a Mayoral Grant

Council provides these donations on the grounds that you:

  • Provide a receipt that you have received the funding
  • Are willing to acknowledge Council’s contribution at your event or in any written documentation associated with it (Contact us for a copy of the Council logo)
  • Write to the Council, at the end of the activity, letting Council know how the activity or event went (including a photograph if available)

Mayoral Grants 2015/16


J Spence - Spirit of Adventure 2015
Wairoa Club - North Island Clubs NZ Table tennis championships held over Queens Birthday this year

We hosted 105 visitors from Kamo, South Taranaki and Auckland over the very enjoyable three days with perfect weather to match. We are extremely proud to say that the feedback has been overwhelming. I can assure you that we have done our little town very proud. One of the written responses we had is that the “Kamo lot will certainly remember their trip to Wairoa for many years to come”. We also had requests to host this tournament here every year because they enjoyed it so much. Wairoa is the perfect venue for these types of tournaments with the Accommodation, Club and Wairoa Community being so central (all within walking distance).

We have estimated that this tournament generated approximately $45-50k to the local economy. Being made up with approximately $15k for accommodation, each person spent $75 on food that's an additional $7.5kand also ($200 minimum) each spent on Entertainment that adds another $20k to the local economy. Again another achievement we are very proud of.

Mayoral Grants

  • Wairoa Swimming Club – NZCT AIM's Games in Tauranga in September 2015
  • Wairoa Ross Shield 2015
  • Wairoa College - Yr 8 Camp 2015


For more information please contact the Wairoa District Council.

+64 6 838 7309
97-103 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108
PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160


Wairoa District Council - Copyright © 2025 Wairoa District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Wairoa District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Wairoa District Council - / +64 6 838 7309 /