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The Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund is designed to help subsidise rural travel for junior teams aged between 5-19 years. It helps school and club sports teams participate in local sporting competitions.
The grant application opens on Monday 20th January and closes Friday 28th April
School club teams and sports club teams are defined as:
'a school club team participating in regular local sport competition in weekends, which excludes inter-school and intra-school competitions played during school time' and/or, 'a sports club team participating in organised, regular sport competition through club membership outside of school time'.
Funding will not be provided for the purpose of travel to regional or national events.
Recipients of funding through the Rural Travel Fund are required to complete an Accountability Form within which they must:
Specify how the grant was spent and attach evidence of expenditure - such as receipts, invoices or signed statements by the club's accountant.
Report the benefits of having received the assistance.
Application forms are available online, or a hardcopy can be collected from the Wairoa District Council.
Application forms can be returned to Wairoa District Council or emailed to latoya@wairoadc.govt.nz
For further information on Rural Travel Fund, Please contact Wairoa District Council on phone 06 838 7309, email the Community Development Officer latoya@wairoac.govt.nz
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz