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Council is now consulting with the community on the Proposed Development Contributions Policy 2025.
Consultation opens Monday, 24 February 2025 and Closes Monday, 24 March 2025
Wairoa District Council plays a significant role in facilitating and coordinating development and providing infrastructure in a timely and affordable manner. This means our infrastructure is required to meet service demands related to growth and to meet the forecast Levels of Service as stated in the Long-Term Plan.
Development Contributions are the fees payable to Council for capital expenditure planned to be provided, or already constructed, for additional community assets (such as new piping, roads, reserves and public facilities) required to service growth. These contributions may be required on resource consents (subdivision and land use) and/or building consents or service connections in situations where the development will have additional impact on infrastructure.
Development Contributions apply when you subdivide land, build, alter, or expand a non-residential building, or may apply when you change the use of an existing building. The extent of the Development Contribution required will depend on the type, size, and location of the development.
It is fair that those driving development pay a proportionate share towards the cost. The ratepayers of the district are facing a significant increase in investment to meet the servicing demands from development. Development contributions (DCs) will help to reduce reliance on ratepayers and other funding sources.
The consultation document, online submission form and all supporting documents is now available on our website.
The document is also available from Wairoa District Council’s Main Office
Submissions can be made:
If you wish to speak to your submission, a date and time will be arranged with you. Please remember to include the following in your submission: name, address, phone number and/or email address and whether you wish to be heard (if applicable).
Please direct any queries to the email above or call Council on 06 838 7309.
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz