Current filter:
Applications for financial assistance from Creative New Zealand funding are now being called for.
There are three funding criteria under the Creative Communities Scheme:
1. Participation
Create opportunities for local communities to engage with and participate in local arts activities
2. Diversity
Support diverse artistic cultural traditions of local communities.
3. Young people.
Enable young people (under 18 years of age) to engage with and participate in the arts.
Approximately $15,000.00 GST exclusive is available for the Wairoa Arts Community and Local Artists.
Applicants should be resident in the Wairoa District Council area and your project must:
Application forms and full details of project and financial criteria are available here. If any help is required with filling out application forms, please contact:
Latoya Tipuna
Wairoa District Council
Phone (06) 838-3537
Applications closes TUESDAY.
14th May 2024
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz