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'Ahi Kōmau' was a $4.8 million Provincial Growth Fund investment into Wairoa's town centre to create further retail, employment, social and educational opportunities for the community.
The Ahi Kōmau building complex was completed and opened in December 2023 and has since been a stronghold of the Wairoa community as a place for sharing kai, music, and connecting with whanau and friends.
Located on Marine Parade, this complex is often busy with people coming and going from our current tenants; Gemmell's Restaurant and Beauty Antix.
We currently have an available tenancy for the Hospitality Pod and are seeking a prospective tenant to help contribute to the vibrant environment and success we have created in Ahi Kōmau today.
Council is running an Expressions of Interest process to seek a new tenant for the Hospitality Pod – a compact, functional café space that has the flexibility to accommodate a range of business enterprises.
The Hospitality Pod offers a modern space with a functional commercial kitchen.
The design of the structure will allow for a predominantly takeaway food and drink service and has a lot to offer a prospective tenant.
This is a fantastic opportunity for a new or established business to operate from a brand-new facility.
The following provides information on the development, the Hospitality Pod, selection criteria and includes an application form.
We look forward to working with you to achieve the aspirations of our people.
Both the Wairoa community and Wairoa District Council have identified the regeneration of the Central Business District as a top priority for investment.
As a result of funding through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment via the Provincial Growth Fund, Te Wairoa e Whanake – Rise Up and Grown Wairoa was launched.
The initiative is designed to have long-term benefits for Wairoa and was built around four cornerstones: urban design; revitalising and diversifying the economic activity in Wairoa’s CBD; logical connections between people, spaces and character of buildings; and an environment that encourages high pedestrian counts, employment, training, profit and investment.
These four cornerstones support cultural values identified as significant to Te Wairoa e Whanake Project.
A heritage and cultural impact assessment was completed in 2020 to support this.
These main street spaces have been vacant for some time and are referred to as the Gemmell's site (180-188 Marine Parade) and the Winter's building (190 Marine Parade).
The Council purchased both properties in 2019 with the intention to focus economic activity into central Wairoa and to better connect the east and west ends of Wairoa's CBD.
This redeveloped space in the Gemmell's building, along with an all-weather community courtyard, was officially completed and opened in December 2023.
This complex provides a multi-functional space that offers opportunity for pop-up shops, market stalls, community events and social enterprises.
The Winter's site will also house Wairoa's relocated isite and is currently well under construction – aiming for opening by early 2025.
This will continue to bring in potential revenue stream through the increased visitors to our town and the appealing aesthetic of our refurbished CBD.
Ahi Kōmau/Gemmell's on Parade includes a Hospitality Pod at the front of the complex, offering food and drink to passers-by on Marine Parade and visitors to the courtyard.
The construction of the pod was completed through a trades training partnership with employment facilitator Wairoa Young Achiever’s Trust and the local construction workforce to help provide a career pathway for Wairoa's young building and carpentry apprentices.
The structure is made up of a steel frame with plywood lining and fire-protected timber cladding.
It comprises two large timber doors, a bi-folding door on the Marine Parade side and a sliding/stacking door on the courtyard side.
These large doors allow the space to open in summer and be more contained during the winter months.
The space is approximately 28m2 and includes an additional room for storage and appliances such as a freezer, if necessary.
The internal fit-out includes a serving bench, shelving and storage areas and the following commercial kitchen appliances:
A formal lease will be agreed between Wairoa District Council and the lessee, in accordance with the Property Law Act 2007.
The key features each lease will include, but are not limited to, are:
In their Expression of Interest application, applicants will need to demonstrate how well their business aligns with the following criterion:
This selection criteria allows the applicant to consider how their business can operate to achieve the outcomes that align with Ahi Kōmau/Gemmell's On Parade objectives, and the overarching values of Wairoa District Council.
The successful candidates will be required to provide a business plan to support their business venture.
The business plan must detail how the tenant plans to deliver a service and provide offerings that complement those of their neighbouring tenants.
The willingness of the successful applicant to amend service offerings to ensure a diverse retail and hospitality space, is required.
These details will be confirmed in the following stage of the Expressions of Interest process.
Please send your completed EOI form to becky@wairoadc.govt.nz, or hand in your hard copy application at Wairoa District Council main office's reception desk, or via post to Wairoa District Council, 97 Queen Street, Wairoa, 4108.
It is expected that the Hospitality Pod will be available for rent from the early October, following completion of the courtyard roof extension. Takeover date to be discussed with the successful applicant in due course.
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz