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Council has set up this page in response to flooding that devastated the Wairoa community on Thursday 26 June 2024.
The impacts of the rain and flooding have affected many whanau in the south-eastern residential area of the Wairoa Township.
Over 400 properties were affected by flooding, and 119 yellow placards issued.
This page is a one-stop shop of information for Wairoa whanau affected by flooding, including those who still require recovery support from Cyclone Gabrielle.
We will list as many organisation and agency details as we can on this page and will keep it updated regularly.
The Wairoa Mayoral Relief Fund, established in response to the impact of the subsequent heavy rainfall event on June 26 2024, is now open for applications.
The local fund is aimed at supporting Wairoa District residents most affected by the flood event.
Financial support is the best way to help Wairoa people who have been impacted by recent flooding.
The Mayoral Relief Fund has donee status meaning donations over $5 are tax deductible.
If you can, please make a Givealittle donation below. Donations receipts will be automatically issued by Givealittle.
If you wish to make a donation to the Wairoa Flood Mayoral Relief Fund, the account number is 03-0785-0070470-00 using the reference “JUNE FLOOD” and email donations@wairoadc.govt.nz if you require a donation receipt.
You can also make a donation over the counter at the Wairoa District Council main office weekdays between 8am - 4.30pm
From Thursday 11 July 2024, flood-damaged household items and materials will no longer be collected from the kerbside.
Disposal of these materials needs to be directly at the landfill.
If residents do not have insurance to cover the cost of disposal, they can make an application to WDC for the disposal costs to be covered by WDC.
Please use the form below if you need assistance with moving the waste from your property or silt removal.
Please note: The collection permit is for flood-damaged household materials only.
Wairoa Recycling Centre and Landfill opening hours are:
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday - 8am to 2pm
Remember, for everyone’s safety and the flow of traffic, please follow the direction of staff and traffic management in place.
If you're struggling to meet your living costs, or get an unexpected bill, we might be able to help you, even if you're working. This may include food, help with accommodation costs, power or water related costs.
For more information call us on 0800-559-009. 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm Saturday.
You can also visit workandincome.govt.nz and click on Check what you might get
Whanau affected by flooding from the June 26 event, whose homes were damaged, may be eligible to have insulation reinstalled at their house.
Subject to conditions, those who require insulation replacement could have between 80% and 100% of the cost subsidised by the Energy Efficient & Conservation Authority (EECA).
This initiative is currently only available to those affected by the June 26 Flooding event.
If you would like to have insulation replaced at your flood-affected home, please fill in a Customer Service Request Form here:
Alternatively, you can come into our main office in Queen Street to fill out a form.
If you would like to speak to someone about this initiative, please call 06 838 7309
Insurers recognise that many people may not be able to quickly inform their insurers of a claim in the early stages of a response and begin their recovery.
While people should contact their insurer as soon as they are able, they should not wait to begin recovery and loss prevention actions if they have the means to do so safely.
While it can be good to make a start on putting thigs right, people should prioritise their, and their whanau’s, immediate welfare needs.
Insurers are mobilising to have a presence on the ground where possible across affected communities.
Insurers have the strength and experience to stand by the community through the long haul of the recovery.
Recovery advice
What you can do to start cleaning up
For more information and advice, please visit the Insurance Council New Zealand website.
A heart felt thank you to those people, communities and organisations who have reached out offering donations to support our whānau impacted by the June 26 flooding event.
Financial support is the best way to help Wairoa people who have been impacted by recent flooding. You can do this via the following channels
Givealittle page
Wairoa June 2024 Flood - Givealittle
If you wish to make a donation to the Wairoa Flood Mayoral Relief Fund, the account number is 03-0785-0070470-00 using the reference “JUNE FLOOD” and email donations@wairoadc.govt.nz if you require a donation receipt.
You can also make a donation over the counter at the Wairoa District Council main office weekdays between 8am - 4.30pm
All funding will be managed through the Wairoa District Council. At this stage while we have identified many needs, full assessments are still being carried out to ensure these donations are helping our flood-impacted community in the best possible way.
For weather updates relating to forecasts across our district, please visit the Wairoa page of the MetService website.
For all severe weather warnings across the country, you can visit this MetService link.
A distribution centre for anyone who wants to donate quality household goods has been set up at the Pataka/Old Wairoa New World building (next to Bottle-O Wairoa), at 40-42 Queen Street.
Civil Defence is now welcoming quality household goods donations.
If you would like to donate, please contact 0800 276 423 to coordinate this.
While we appreciate your generosity and donations, we are asking for quality household goods donations only.
The distribution centre also will also have available PPE gear and cleaning supplies from 4pm Sunday 30 June.
Kahungunu Executive ki Te Wairoa
The team at Kahungunu Executive provides a range of services and programmes that could benefit local whanau affected by flooding. These services include:
To contact Kahungunu Executive, email kahu-exec@xtra.co.nz or call 06 838 3259 or 06 838 6835. Or, you can visit www.kahu-exec.co.nz.
Enabled Wairoa
The team at Enabled Wairoa also provides a range of services that could benefit local whanau. These services include:
The team at enabled is available from 9am to 5pm.
To contact the team, please email yuanita@enabled.org.nz or call 06 838 7390. Or, you can visit enabled.org.nz.
From Thursday 11 July, flood-damaged household items and materials will no longer be collected from the kerbside.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions that might help you understand the next steps to take if you still have flood-damaged materials to dispose of.
Why is the kerbside collection stopping?
Since the flood event on 26 June 2024, Council has been providing a kerbside collection service of flood-damaged materials as this was the most efficient way to protect the health of the community and collect the initial large volume of waste. The amount of waste is now decreasing, and it is time to move to a more structured approach.
This will mean that flood damaged materials are taken directly to the landfill, rather than left on the kerbside for collection.
What can I take to the landfill?
You can take flood-damaged items, as well as garden waste and household waste.
Separate out timber, fridges and freezers, electronic items, tyres. These items will have a charge to dispose of.
It is free to dispose of: recycling, gas bottles, scrap metal, washing machines, dryers, ovens, microwaves, household and car batteries and waste oil.
Will it cost to dispose of my flood-damaged items?
At the landfill, there is a charge for all waste including flood-damaged items.
From Thursday 11 July 2024, flood-damaged household items and materials will no longer be collected from the kerbside. Disposal of these materials needs to be directly at the landfill.
If residents do not have insurance to cover the cost of disposal, they can make an application for the disposal costs to be covered by Council.
Also use this form if you need assistance with moving the waste from your property or silt removal.
How much will it cost?
Landfill prices are listed at https://www.wairoadc.govt.nz/services/rubbish-and-recycling/
The cost for general waste (i.e. flood-damaged waste) is $400 per tonne, with a minimum charge of $12.
The cost for green waste (garden waste) is $150 per tonnes, with a minimum charge of $5.
Residential recycling is free (paper & cardboard, glass, cans and plastics 1, 2 and 5) at transfer stations.
Why does it cost?
It is expensive to operate a landfill. This is due to high government taxes and high operating expenses (including manpower and transport), as well as costs related to maintenance, monitoring and compliance.
Charging fees for the use of landfill facilities is an effective way to recover the costs for emission trading scheme units, waste disposal levies and other operational and regulatory expenses to maintain the landfill site.
If it were free to dispose rubbish at the landfill or if the landfill gate rates are not increased to include the new taxes or increase in operating costs, Council would need to cover the increase in costs, which would need to be passed on to the ratepayers.
The cost of the service would fall only on ratepayers versus the current user-pays system.
Do we need to give any advice about PPE?
We strongly recommend wearing protective gloves, covered clothing and face masks (P2 or N95 masks recommended) when handling these items.
I don’t have a trailer. How can I get rid of my damaged items?
We are able to provide assistance to people who don’t have a way to transport large, damaged items to the landfill. Please complete this form.
Can I get rid of my damaged items before my insurance claim comes through?
Yes. The advice from the Insurance Council of New Zealand is to lodge your claim online or by phone as soon as you can. Don’t wait to start making your home safe and removing flood-damaged property. Take photos of items before disposing of them and if possible, get receipts or otherwise record details of everything you remove.
I have silt I need to get rid of. Can I bring this to landfill?
No. please complete this form and we will be in touch to discuss options with you.
For welfare support, please phone Wairoa District Council's main number on 06 838 7309 and lodge a Customer Service Request.
Alternatively, you can lodge a Customer Service Request, which will be directed to the Wairoa Civil Defence welfare team for action.
Disclaimers and Copyright
While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is
accurate and up to date, Wairoa District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith.
Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced
information or material is copyright to the respective provider.
© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz