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Temporary Authority

If you are taking over a business that already has an alcohol licence, a Temporary Authority allows you to sell and supply alcohol for up to three months under the existing terms and conditions of the current licence. This gives you time to lodge a new application.

What you need to apply: 

  • Proof of right, title estate or interest in premises e.g. copy of the sale and purchase agreement of the business and sale and purchase agreement or lease agreement for the building
  • Detailed floor plan (to scale, A4 size or larger) of the current premises layout
  • Copies of each current manager’s certificate for those nominated to manage the premises
  • A copy of the existing licence Letter outlining: Reasons for the application, experience of the applicant and proposed trading commencement date 

You should know - For an On Licence, you will need to supply food for customers. This means that you will also need a Food Business Registration.



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