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This policy should address how the premises will maintain the amenity and good order of the venue and how the applicant will deal with minors and intoxication. It should also show how the applicant will meet requirements for food and water, as well as low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks.
All on-license and club license businesses must submit a host responsibility policy with any application for a new or renewel alcohol licence.
It assists the District Licensing Committee (DLC) when it considers an application for new or renewel licences.
The policy should address how the premises will maintain the amenity and good order of the venue and how the applicant will deal with minors and intoxication. It should also show how the applicant will meet requirements for food and water, as well as low alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks.
If a premises runs large events or gatherings, the policy should also detail how the applicant will minimise the potential for alcohol related harm.
A basic policy needs to address the following points:
All staff must be trained in their responsibilities under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 to prevent intoxication on licensed business sites.
Staff need clear instructions to identify and proactively deal with intoxicated persons.
Noticing signs of intoxication early is essential to meeting the requirements of s.248 and s.249 of the act, prohibiting intoxication on licensed business sites.
The Act requires you to have food available at all times when your business is open and sells alcohol. Restaurants must always have meals available.
There is an expectation that food options will be promoted within the premises.
The range and style of food must be similar in style and nature to the menu you supplied with your licence application. This can be a range of foods, such as; pies, sandwiches, filled rolls, pizzas, paninis, and the like.
You must describe the type and range of food.
A range is considered to be a minimum of three food options.
The Act requires a reasonable range of non-alcoholic refreshments to always be available when the business is open for the sale of alcohol. You must describe the type and range of non-alcoholic beverages available.
In addition, you need to provide water for free and have it readily available.
The Act requires that low-alcohol refreshments are always available when the business is open for the sale of alcohol.
Include a description of the low-alcohol refreshment you will have available, e.g. beer, and that it will be available at every bar and point of service by way of signage, or as a feature in the beverage menu.
You need to provide assistance with or information about alternative forms of transport from your business for both staff and patrons.
The Act creates offences and penalties for promotions or activities deemed to be irresponsible. When you need to promote your licensed premises, take care not to hold promotions that conflict with the Act.
You will need to give a commitment that no promotions encouraging the rapid consumption of alcohol or an excessive volume of alcohol will be carried out by any staff member.
Part of being a good host involves maintaining a safe environment and being a good neighbour. It is expected that you will make a commitment in your policy to:
For clubs, your policy should set out how the club will ensure that only club members, their accompanied guests, and members of clubs with reciprocal visiting rights are sold or supplied alcohol.
To learn more, see the online brochure Creating a responsible drinking environment and related resources at alcohol.org.nz
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz