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Camping grounds, Hairdressers and Funeral Parlours need to comply with the requirements of the Health Act and its regulations.
All Camping Grounds, Hairdressers and Funeral Directors/Parlours are required to register with Council under the Health Act and the Regulations made under this Act
Our advice is ensure you check out the feasibility and legalities of your proposal with the relevant Council departments:
When purchasing a new building or business it is recommended you obtain a Land Information Memorandum (LIM). This is a report on what the Council know about the land and buildings at your chosen site.
Please note before a registration certificate can be issued, you'll need to ensure you have obtained all necessary consents and approvals e.g. Resource Consent (under the RMA), or Certificate of Compliance or a Code Compliance Certificate or Certificate of Public Use (under the Building Act) etc.
A pre-opening inspection by an Environmental Health Officer will be needed as part of the registration/approval process. The purpose of this inspection will be to check for compliance with the relevant legislation and to discuss any queries you may have.
Note: Additional fees may apply for inspection/approval services prior to registration that are in addition to registration fees.
Each of these types of business have their own specific Regulations and requirements that can be found here;
You can work with our Environmental Health, Planning and Building Consents Teams to ensure you meet all the relevant health and building regulations.
The Planning Team can advise on our District Plan and provide information on parking requirements, advertising and likely future patterns of development in your area.
Building consent officers can help with, change of use conditions, plumbing and drainage, egress, number of sanitary fixtures and access for disabled people. Building consent will be required for any work done.
Our Environmental Health Officers can provide information on health requirements, inspections and registration.
If you are taking over an existing premises that has a current registration, you can apply to transfer it into your name.
Please note any proposed changes to the business may require additional approvals e.g. building consent. If you’re unsure whether you need additional approvals, discuss your planned changes with an Environmental Health Officer before you make changes.
After making an application for registration, and nearer to the proposed opening date, an Environmental Health Officer must be contacted to arrange a final evaluation of the premises to check that work has been completed in accordance with the approved plans. Work requiring a building consent requires a code compliance certificate. This must be available before the Environmental Health Officer’s visit.
Provided the premise has been completed in accordance with the approved plans, and the certificate of registration is issued, you can open for business.
It is an offence to operate the premise prior to the issue of a certificate of registration.
Once the premise is registered ongoing checks will be carried out by Environmental Health Officers to ensure safe hygiene practices are met and minimum standards of health are maintained. Officers may arrive at any reasonable time (Section 128 of the Health Act 1956) and are not obliged to make an appointment prior to the visit. This means you can expect a visit any time while you are operating.
Health Registrations must be renewed every year. The registration period runs from 1 July to 30 June.
The Application to Renew will be posted to you prior to the expiry date.
Licensing Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.
All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).
Licencing | Fee (incl GST) |
Other Health Licences (Fees) | Hairdressers | $385.00 | Funeral Directors | $385.00 | Offensive Trades | $400.00 | Camping Grounds | $385.00 | Hawkers | $300.00 | Itinerant Traders | $300.00 | Mobile Shops - (Per Licence/Site) | $300.00 |
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz