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"Purihia kia mau nga taonga tuku iho mahia nga mahi i roto i te Kaunihera o Te Wairoa i roto i te mana o Kahungunu ki te Wairoa"
At its meeting on 14 June 2005, the Wairoa District Council approved the Proposed Wairoa District Plan prepared under the provisions of the Resource Management Act 1991. Council resolved that the Plan be made operative from 25 June 2005, pursuant to Clause 20 of the First Schedule. For more information regarding the District Plan contact the Wairoa District Council.
Click here to view the District Planning Maps.
On 12 August 1999, the Wairoa District Council publicly notified its Proposed District Plan and invited public submissions to it. There were 54 submissions received raising over 1600 individual submission points. A further 24 people lodged further submissions in support or opposition to these submissions.
Hearings on the submissions ran from September through November 2000. Decisions on submissions were made by Council resolution on 14 February 2001, and approved for public notification by Council resolution on 27 March 2001. Some of these decisions were then referred to the Environment Court.
A total of 10 references were referred to the Environment Court with a total of 109 individual points of reference. All of these references have now been settled by consent orders approved by the Environment Court, or have been withdrawn.
This District Plan became operative on 25 June 2005 and incorporates all of the Council's decisions, and all changes resulting from consent orders approved by the Environment Court, in respect of the Proposed District Plan.
Wairoa District Council notified ‘Proposed Plan Change 1B – Coastal Protection', on 15th February 2007. Decisions on submissions to the Plan Change were released on 16th August 2007. Plan Change 1B (as amended) was made operative on 23rd of November 2016.
The Operative District Plan can be downloaded below. Alternatively copies of the Wairoa District Plan are available for viewing at the District Council and the Wairoa Centennial Library.
Due to the size of the District Plan the following links are available for you to review each chapter individually.
For more information please contact the Wairoa District Council.
+64 6 838 7309
97-103 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108
PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz