Current filter:
The rate rebate scheme provides a subsidy to low-income home owners (ratepayers) on the cost of their rates. The scheme was established by the Rates Rebate Act 1973. A rebate needs to be claimed during the rate year for which it is payable. Claims cannot be made for past rate years.
Assistance of up to $790.00 may be available if your income is low.
You must be the legal ratepayer for the property that was your home on 1 July 2024.
Although a ratepayer's income might exceed the income threshold a rates rebate could still be available, depending on the rates amount and number of dependents - see the example tables or electronic calculator to see if you could be eligible.
New threshold amounts 2024/25 rating year have been signed off by Cabinet and will come into effect on 1 July 2024.
Maximum rebate $790 (was $750)
Income abatement threshold $31,510 (was $31,100)
Applications close on 30 June 2025 and cannot be accepted after this date.
Obtain a rates rebate application form. You can do that by:
You may apply for a rates rebate at the Council's Administration Offices - Queen Street, Wairoa by returning a completed form.
Please contact the Council Office's on +64 6 838 7309 to make an appointment.
Please bring details of your income for the year ending 31 March 2024.
Proof of income includes, but is not limited to:
Please note that you are required to declare all your income.
For more information please contact the Wairoa District Council.
+64 6 838 7309
97-103 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108
PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz