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A permit is required off council for any work or activity undertaken in the road reserve. A permit is also required for any overweight machinery that needs to be transported over WDC roading network. A permit is a legal document giving you permission to carry out the function you are requesting.
Thinking about making adjustments to your property that could potentially impact on motorists and/or pedestrians? Do you need to build a fence, gate, driveway entrance or drain on your property that requires modifying a road or a footpath? Regardless of where you live in the Wairoa District, rural or urban, you will need a permit to carry out this sort of work.
Wairoa residents are urged to note that any work on your property, if it affects the access to a roadway reserve in any way, cannot begin until a Works Access Permit is issued by Council.
All conditions issued by Council must be complied with.
Road reserve or 'road corridor' includes the road carriageway, footpath, berm and grassed area.
It's the area from boundary to boundary - usually the front fence of a property boundary across the road to the opposite property front boundary.
Council owns the road corridor - you need approval to carry out any work within road reserve. Working in the road reserve includes such things as:
Example of a best practice example vehicle crossing for forestry & farming on Cricklewood Rd
The preferred method is an online application, but other methods are also accepted (see below).
Submit via e-mail: NapierOverweightPermits@nzta.govt.nz or apply via the NZTA website NZTA Heavy Vehicle Permit Portal.
Alternatively you can submit the form at the Council offices on Queen Street or post to:
Wairoa District Council
Attention: Operations Engineer – Roads
PO Box 54
Wairoa 4160
You must provide a site plan showing the location and construction details. This method does take longer to process.
The declaration on the form refers to requirements of the utilities code. Visit NZ Utilities Advisory Group website for the code.
Once you submit your application, allow 20 working days for processing.
For further information in relation to cattlestops/gates, specifications for upgrading driveways, or other details, please visit the Wairoa District Council website or call Council’s office for a friendly discussion.
A temporary road closure is approval from the Council for a road to be closed to traffic and/or pedestrians at a specified location for a specified period. It ensures that you can complete your work or hold your event to the standards prescribed by the Local Government Act 1974 and 2002 and/or Transport Regulations 1965.
You must obtain consent for a temporary road closure:
You are required under the Local Government Act 1974, sections 11(a) – 11(e), and the Local Government act 2002 and/or Transport Regulations 1965, to request permission to temporarily close a road. In certain situations where the Council owns the land or property affected (e.g. an event in a park), you may not have to apply for a road closure. Closing the road without an approved traffic management plan and approved temporary road closure application is illegal, and may result in a fine being imposed.
You must apply to Council. If the information you submit is incomplete, or does not provide the level of detail required, there will be delays in processing your application. If you do not provide sufficient information relating to traffic management during the closure, your application may be rejected. This information may include (but is not limited to):
You must engage a qualified site traffic management supervisor (STMS) to create your traffic management plan.
Temporary road closures may be granted either for events or for road works. It takes considerably longer to meet the requirements of the Local Government act for an event road closure than for road works. In most cases you must publically notify the proposed closure in the local papers for a minimum of 6 weeks before the date of the closure. This means the application must be received by Council at least 8 weeks before the event to meet the advertising deadlines.
The length of time it takes to process a temporary road closure application also depends on the complexity of the application and its associated traffic management plan. If you are requested to provide further information, your application will be placed on hold until you provide the required information.
You can only close the road when you receive the following from Council:
You can only close the road on the dates and times specified, and by the method specified.
The content of your application will be reviewed against the criteria set out in the Local Government Act 1974 and 2002 and/or Transport Regulations 1965, and the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management. Once we are satisfied that your application meets the necessary standards, we will begin work on ensuring that your event or road works can proceed in the timeframe and manner you have requested. As soon as the requirements have been met, we will let you know the outcome of your application.
Vehicles travelling on New Zealand roads must be within the national weight limit (referred to as Class 1 weight limits). Sometimes heavier vehicles need to use the road and in these cases an Overweight Permit must be applied for. The load that these vehicles are carrying must be indivisible.
The preferred method is an online application, but other methods are also accepted.
Alternatively you can submit the form at the Council offices on Queen Street or post to:
Wairoa District Council
Attention: Operations Engineer – Roads
PO Box 54
Wairoa 4160
Please refer to the 'Notes for Applicants' for an explanation of the terms used in the application form.
Please download and attach the 'Extra Axle Data Sheet' to the online application if more than 6 axles is required.
50MAX gives freight operators an option to carry increased payloads on parts of the network that, while economically important to New Zealand, are unable to carry high productivity motor vehicles (HPMVs). You will have to apply for a 50MAX permit from the NZTA.
This map shows the locations of the 50 max. restricted bridges within the Wairoa District.
Application to Erect Gate/Cattlestop Across Road Reserve
Overweight Permit for Local Roads
For more information please contact the Wairoa District Council.
+64 6 838 7309
97-103 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108
PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160
Disclaimers and Copyright
While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is
accurate and up to date, Wairoa District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith.
Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced
information or material is copyright to the respective provider.
© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz