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Rubbish & RecyclingRāpihi me te hangarua

Council’s vision for waste management is to manage waste in a cost-effective way that reduces harmful effects & improves efficiency of resource use. Part of this is the way Wairoa District Council delivers waste management services around the district, these services are listed below.


We encourage the community to REDUCE or REUSE.

The below links are information on what can be recycled in our district.



The kerbside recycling collection for the Wairoa Urban area & Frasertown is split across two days:

  • Wednesday collection
    Wairoa east - areas include south of the bridge, from but excluding SH2.
  • Thursday collection
    North Clyde, Frasertown - areas include Wairoa west from and including SH2, North of the Wairoa bridge and Frasertown.

Rubbish maps

Please ensure recycling doesn't weigh more than 12kg per bin. Recycling must be in an official Council recycling bin. There are two official Council recycling bins, the old 60l bin and the new 45l bin. A maximum of 2 recycling bins will be picked up from each household.

Recycling in the following rural areas is weekly on Thursdays.

  • Kotemaori – Kotemaori Hall 9.00am
  • Raupunga – Former fire station 10.00am
  • Mohaka – Old pub site 12.00pm
  • Waihua – Beach turnoff 1.00pm

Recycling in the following rural areas is weekly on Thursdays:

  • Tuai – Kokako Rd (intersection with SH38) to Pakowhai Bridge from 8.30am 

Recycling at the following rural areas as follows:

  • Te Reinga – Opposite old school 12.45pm-1.00pm (2nd Sunday of the month only)
  • Ruakituri – Opposite school 1.30-2.00pm (2nd Sunday of the month only)

Recycling in all other rural areas is on the first and third Sunday of each month and at the following locations:

  • Nuhaka – QRS metal yard 12.00pm-2.00pm
  • Mahia – 376 Kaiwaitau Rd, Mahia 9am – 11.30am


We accept the following:

  • CANS & TINS – Rinsed food and drink tins and cans
  • GLASS - Clean bottles & jars (remove the lids & rinse, no window glass, lightbulbs, glassware or mirrors)
  • PAPER - Newspaper, magazines, junk mail, all other clean paper
  • CARDBOARD - Flatten all boxes (not milk cartons, drink cartons or tetrapaks)
  • PLASTICS - Types 1, 2 & 5 rigid plastics (e.g. water & milk bottles, ice cream containers) Please remove ALL lids, caps and triggers from all bottles and throw into your rubbish. Not accepted: types 3, 4, 6 & 7 (e.g. pipes, film, plastic cutlery, appliance parts).

Commercial customers please contact Smart Environmental to discuss your requirements (0800 424 990).

Refuse Collection;

Refuse collections are a user pays service provided by the Wairoa District Council's Waste Management Contractor Smart Environmental (0800 424 990).

Where can I buy Official Refuse Bags?

Official refuse bags are available from the following locations:


  • Wairoa District Council


  • Mahia Beach Store
  • Mahia Service Station (Opoutama)

Domestic rubbish collections Routes

  • SH2 from Waihua to Kotemaori Settlement Road
  • SH2 from Wairoa to Morere. The collection point stops at Tunanui Road, Morere
  • Tiniroto Road from Frasertown through to Te Reinga and Ruakituri Road
  • SH38 from Frasertown to Waihi Road

Please note that any households living off the State Highway may bring their refuse to the State Highway for pick-up.

Tuai Refuse Collection

Collection managed by Ruapani ki Waikaremoana Trust T/A Waikaremoana Contracting.

06 837 3876

Collection takes place every Wednesday Morning - we encourage everyone to recycle and to minimise their residual waste.

Green Waste: By Special Arrangement (contact us on one of the numbers above)

Whiteware: By Special Arrangement (contact us on one of the numbers above).

Raupunga/Mohaka/Kotemaori Refuse Collection

Collection managed by Waipapa Recycling.

Nathan, +64 27 256 3627

Collection takes place every Friday Morning - we encourage everyone to recycle and to minimise their residual waste.

Refuse Collection days

  • From Wairoa to Mahia (but not including Wairoa), including Nuhaka and Māhanga - collections will be weekly on Mondays.
  • Wairoa township and Frasertown collection is done on Tuesdays.
  • From Frasertown to Ruakituri (but not including Frasertown), including Te Reinga - collections will be weekly on Thursdays.
  • From Waihua to Kotemaori Settlement Rd, including Mohaka and Raupunga, collections will be weekly on Fridays.
  • Tuai Village including Onepoto village, Waimako papakainga, Te Kuha papakainga, Piripaua village, SH38 (from Onepoto to Pakowhai Bridge) on Wednesdays from 8.30am.

Rubbish & Recycling Education

Wairoa District Council provides for waste management through a variety of facilities and services. Council is committed to promoting responsible waste management solutions for the district and is keen to work with groups or individuals to improve their waste management.

Council staff or contractors are happy to talk to schools, community groups, marae or individuals about ways to reduce the amount of waste being produced and better ways to deal with what is produced.

Wairoa Landfill & Recycling Centre

The Wairoa Landfill is located on Fraser Street and is managed by Smart Environmental.

(06) 838 8456 or 0800 424 990

  • Eftpos is available at the Wairoa Landfill.

Landfill hours

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday 8am to 2pm
    • Except ANZAC Day - open from 1pm to 5pm
    • Closed 25/26 December, 1 January, 2 January, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Waste Management Fees

Waste Management Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Weighbridge Rates (Minimum weight 20kg) Fee (incl GST)
Note: If the weighbridge computer is not working, the Non-weighed Rates are to be applied and the transactions manually carried out
Direct User ChargesNon Recyclables 
Wairoa LandfillWeighbridge 
General Waste (Per Tonne)$400.00 
Minimum charge$12.00 
Green Waste (Per Tonne)$150.00 
Minimum charge$5.00 
Hardfill (per tonne) - Rubble, concrete$125.00 
Fridge / Freezer
Min charge (per item)$20.00 
Vehicles & Tyres
Note: Tyres are accepted at the following rates to cover the cost of shredding:
Car Tyres (per tyre)$16.00 
Truck Tyres (per tyre)$27.00 
Tractor Tyres (not accepted)$0.00 

Special or Problematic Waste Fee (incl GST)
Note: We are currently accepting asbestos containing materials by permit only. Please contact Council to apply.
Asbestos from sites within Wairoa District charged Admin Fee plus prevailing weighbridge rate for special waste
Administration Fee (all Asbestos transactions)$340.00 
Hazardous and offensive wastes (per tonne)$510.00 
Minimum charge$16.00 

Non-Weighed Rates Fee (incl GST)
Note: Non-weighed rates are used in instances where the weighbridge is not functioning
Green Waste
Green Waste (Bag)$4.00 
Green Waste (Car)$17.00 
Green Waste (Small Van Or Trailer)$25.00 
Green Waste (Car & Trailer)$35.00 
Green Waste Commercial Vehicles (Trucks)$150.00 
General Waste
General Waste (Per 40 Litre Bag)$16.00 
General Waste (Car)$30.00 
General Waste (Small Van Or Trailer)$46.00 
General Waste (Car & Trailer)$90.00 
General Waste Commercial Vehicles (Trucks)$400.00 

Penalty Charges Fee (incl GST)
Note: Additional penalty charges may be charged in the following situations at the discretion of the Landfill Manager
Non-compliance with direction given for delivery of wastes, such as putrecible wastes and special wastes$250.00 
Insecure loads - the Kiosk Operator, Landfill Supervisor or Landfill Manager may impose a penalty charge for continued insecure loads$50.00 


For more information please contact the Wairoa District Council.

+64 6 838 7309
97-103 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108
PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160


Wairoa District Council - Copyright © 2025 Wairoa District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Wairoa District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Wairoa District Council - / +64 6 838 7309 /