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Trade Waste

Trade Waste is any liquid that is discharged to the wastewater system from commercial, industrial, manufacturing or trade premises resulting from any processes or operations. Council manages the wastewater system so that liquid waste can be safely transported, treated and disposed of.

Managing Trade Waste

The quality of Trade Waste discharge has to remain within the capabilities of the wastewater system and the wastewater treatment plant. Council manages Trade Waste discharge so that receiving waters are protected from toxic substances, the wastewater system is protected from damage, and we meet relevant environment and other regulations. We do this by:

  • evaluation of individual Trade Waste discharges against specified criteria.
  • managing the correct storage of materials to protect the sewerage system from spillage.
  • installation of flow meters, samplers or other devices to measure flow and characteristics of the Trade Waste discharge.
  • specifying any pre-treatment of waste that may be required before acceptance for discharge into the sewerage system.
  • sampling and monitoring of Trade Waste discharges to ensure compliance with the Trade Waste & Wastewater Bylaw.
  • operating a procedure to accept or refuse a Trade Waste discharge.

Unsure if you need a consent? Book a site visit.

Not sure if your business needs a trade waste management system and consent?

Take advantage of the Wairoa District Council’s one-year amnesty period to learn about your trade waste requirements, obligations and how to become compliant.

Trade waste is any liquid or solids that may be discharged into the Council’s sewer system as part of your business operations.

We look forward to working with you to future proof your trade waste disposal and help protect our environment.

To arrange a site visit complete the form below  or call us on +64 6 838 7309.

Follow this link if the form fails to load. online form.

Trade Waste Consent

In order to discharge Trade Waste into the wastewater system, prior consent needs to be obtained. Click the button below to apply online or print and fill out the form form here.

Apply now

All commercial, industrial, manufacturing or trade businesses that discharge to the wastewater system will need to apply for consent. 

Businesses such as:

Food Premises
Mechanical Workshops
Service Stations
Auto Dismantlers
Chemical Manufacturers
Doctors and Medical Centres
Veterinary Clinics
Drycleaners and Laundromats
Funeral Homes
Liquid Waste Contractors
Educational Facilities
Commercial Swimming Pools

If you are unsure whether you have to apply for a consent or not, contact our Trade Waste Officer on (06) 838 7309 who can help you identify sources of Trade Waste and the right pre-treatment.

Trade Waste in the Food Service Industry

Many food outlets produce waste cooking oil, grease and food solids every day simply by carrying our normal food preparation activities. If that waste is discharged directly into our wastewater system it can cause blockages and overflows, overload the wastewater treatment plant, be a hazard to public health and could result in pollution of our rivers.

Although the amount of waste from any single food outlet may be relatively small, the effect of the total amount of waste being discharged from the food service industry is very significant.


The main type of pre-treatment used in dealing with greasy waste is the grease trap. Only wastewater from food preparation areas, floor wastes, kitchen sinks and dishwashers can be discharged to the wastewater system via the grease trap. Wastewater from toilets, showers and other processes that generate Trade Waste must not be directed through the grease trap.

There are three basic types of grease trap:

  1. gravity separation
  2. enzyme digestion
  3. mechanical separation

Grease traps are sized according to the daily volume of wastewater discharged and the seating capacity of the restaurant or café. If your business increases, you may need to upgrade the size or type of your pre-treatment equipment.


All grease traps require maintenance to ensure they operate effectively and efficiently. It is important to know what type of grease trap you have, where it is located, how it operates and what maintenance is required. Your Trade Waste consent will contain the minimum requirements specific to your premises and type of grease trap.

For more information about pre-treatment call us on (06) 838 7309 and ask to speak to the Trade Waste Officer.

Trade Waste in the Motor vehicle Industry

Motor vehicle businesses produce harmful liquid waste pollutants such as, petroleum hydrocarbons, flammable substances, metals from engine parts and batteries, oils and solids. These substances are produced every day simply by carrying out normal operations. If that waste is discharged directly into our wastewater system it can affect the health of people working in the wastewater treatment plant, potentially cause explosions and could result in pollution of our rivers. 


The main types of pre-treatment used in dealing with oily waste are:

  • oil and grit interceptors
  • dry basket arrestors
  • diversion valves
  • bunding
  • roofing of wash areas

Wastewater from toilets, showers and other processes that generate Trade Waste must not be directed through the pre-treatment equipment. Oil and grit interceptors cannot process large amounts of liquids and chemicals such as oil, petrol, kerosene, radiator fluid, brake fluid, non quick-break degreasers and solvents. Do not pour any of these wastes down the drain.


All pre-treatment equipment requires maintenance to ensure it operates effectively and efficiently. It is important to know what type of pre-treatment you have, where it is located, how it operates and what maintenance is required. All pre-treatment should be operated and maintained according to the manufacturers instructions. Your Trade Waste consent will contain the minimum requirements specific to your premises and type of pre-treatment.

For more information about pre-treatment call us on (06) 838 7309 and ask to speak to the Trade Waste Officer.

Trade Waste Tips

There are a lot small changes which can be easily implemented into your business's daily operations that will save you money, water and will help protect the wastewater system and our receiving waters. Have a look through the accordion below.

  • Use dry or waterless cleaning methods such as wiping or sweeping up spills.
  • Turn off taps if they are not being used.
  • Avoid running the tap continuously during rinsing.
  • Ensure the dishwasher is full each time it is used.
  • Scrape and wipe leftover food from plates and cooking utensils before washing.
  • Install sink strainers or screens.
  • Coffee grounds, tea leaves and other solid waste must not be put down the sink.
  • Garbage disposal units or macerators shall not be used unless approved by Wairoa District Council.
  • Collect used cooking oil so that it can be recycled.
  • Collect used chemicals, oils, fuels, fluids and batteries so that they can be recycled.
  • Never pour grease, fats, oils, brake fluid, radiator fluid or fuels down any sinks or drains.
  • Detergents dissolve grease allowing it to pass through the grease trap, which may cause blockages in the wastewater system. Avoid using products such as bleach or caustic soda.
  • Do not use solvents, bacteria, enzymes or other products in your grease trap unless approves by Wairoa District Council.
  • Traditional cleaning compounds such as solvent based degreasers create an oil-water suspension that lasts several hours, allowing oil to pass through the pre-treatment equipment and into the wastewater system. Ask your cleaning product supplier to specify a cleaner that allows the oil and water to separate soon after use. These products are known as 'quick break' detergents.
  • Pre-treated wastewater should be clear. Milky wastewater from your pre-treatment equipment indicates the presence of emulsified oil. If this occurs you may require a better quick break detergent.
  • When using a cleaning product only use the specified amount. Using more only wastes product and increases operating costs.

Wairoa District Council - Copyright © 2025 Wairoa District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Wairoa District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Wairoa District Council - / +64 6 838 7309 /